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The Export Academy in partnership with the regional Growth Hubs within the West Midlands have launched free virtual workshops exploring the fundamental stages of selecting your overseas target markets and planning and conducting export marketing research…
Market research is the first and one of the most vital steps for any organisation whether they are entering a new overseas market or developing existing markets. You will consider different approaches and research techniques and start to develop a research plan for your own business. Areas that will be covered include:
- An objective, easy-to-use model for choosing or prioritising the best target export markets
- Understanding what information, you need to help you make vital business decisions
- Practical approaches to conducting or commissioning research
- Sources of desk research and how to use the internet effectively – we will help you to find freely available market research which can help you assess potential markets and opportunities and develop your strategy
- The benefits of taking your research further, including talking to people in the market to gain a real understanding of how the market works
- Understanding how to interpret research findings to maximise your export potential
Is this masterclass right for me?
This half-day workshop is appropriate for delegates from companies which are looking to update and enhance their exporting skills. The workshop will be relevant to both product and service companies at any stage of their export journey.
Important information:
Due to the tailored and interactive format of this session, places are limited to a maximum of 15 delegates, 1 representative per company only.
This workshop is delivered in partnership with the Enhanced Export Growth Project which is an ERDF funded project and is available to businesses working with a DIT Export Academy Adviser and is subject to SME eligibility criteria. If you do not already have an allocated adviser you will be contacted in advance to confirm your eligibility and you will be asked to complete an SME Declaration Form.
Successful organisations will be required to complete a pre-masterclass questionnaire. It is essential this information is submitted as it will form the basis of the content which will be delivered during the session.
Registering your interest:
Each link below will connect you to a booking page where you can find out more and register your interest to join...
- 23rd August - 09:30 - 13:00 - Book here
If you would like any further support or have any questions please contact us on 0345 222 0159 or email