Events > DBT Global Aid & Development Directory 2023
DIT Global Aid & Development Directory 2022
The best of British suppliers to the humanitarian and development sector
This Directory has been produced by the Department for International Trade (DIT), the UK Government body in charge of promoting UK trade abroad and attracting foreign investment to the UK economy. As part of the Aid Funded Business team, our role is to assist UK companies in winning contracts with the UN family and other international aid organisations.
The UK is recognised as a reputable supplier and for many year has featured in the Top 10 League Table. In 2021, the UN procured $726 millions worth of good and services from the UK.
As the world faces an unprecedented series of health, conflict and humanitarian crisis, international organisations work tirelessly on development and relief assistance programmes. The private sector plays an active part in providing relevant and innovative solutions that can save lives and help the ones in need.
We hope that this directory will help you identify new solutions and suppliers to fulfil your mission.