Events > CES 2020

CES 2020 

7 – 10 January 2020

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UK Directory

The UK is at the forefront of a revolution. At the same time as consumer and business technology is rapidly changing the way we all live, the rise of our tech industry is also reshaping the way the UK works.

It’s an industry that’s creating thousands of new and highlyskilled roles, and simultaneously transforming the workplaces,  capabilities and practices of more traditional sectors. This culture of innovation and entrepreneurial ambition continues to propel the sector to exciting new heights. The UK is experiencing six years of continuous growth (and no signs of stopping) and new tech jobs being created 2.6x faster than the rest of the economy.

Wherever you look, it’s evident the UK tech sector is really coming of age.

This powerful mix of cultures and capabilities contribute to the analytical expertise, innovation and original thinking that have become hallmarks of our technology industry. A range of which will be on display at CES 2020. 


Click here for online directory

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