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  • Cookpad,全世界最大的食谱分享平台,在日本已成功运行20年,该公司选择布里斯托作为新的全球总部。
  • 芬兰通讯公司诺基亚在过去十年通过收购当地公司一直在布里斯托进行投资,并与布里斯托大学建立稳定的合作关系,
  • 全球技术巨头东芝于1998年在布里斯托建立了通讯研究实验室,作为创新中心。

除了布里斯托,英国也是诸多智慧城市未来创新的大本营。在英国及全球范围内,英国地形测量局(Ordnance Survey)一直与时俱进,在地图绘制中发挥着无与伦比的作用,影响着智慧城市的发展方式及基础设施的设计,以确保城市良好运转。该机构还积极参与了香港政府的智慧城市规划。

此外,苏格兰城市联盟正投资数百万资金,采用全新技术加速并改变城市服务的实施,让苏格兰的城市更加智能化。与此同时,Innovate UK设立400万英镑基金,用以资助促进生产力及经济增长的创新项目。

在这样一个充满生机和灵活的环境下,各种规模的公司在自身成长及创新中都获得了助力。使得这里的真实环境测试、人工智能分析及改进等各类创新发展在全球范围内都一马当先,不断突破极限,吸引了大量的国际投资。例如,Future Cities Catapult推出了URBAIN,这是一个将企业、城市和研究人员连接起来的全新网络,重点关注加速推进人工智能分析在英国城市的发展和应用。


智慧城市是可以获得丰厚利润的商业领域。根据Frost and Sullivan的报告,英国政府预计至2020年,该领域的全球商机约值1.5万亿英镑,而英国在其中占据了超过10%的份额。 


物联网(IoT)是使众多智慧城市应用行之有效的关键因素。根据ABI Research的调查显示,至2020年,将有超过300亿的设备实现与物联网的无线连接。这种发展速度让物联网成为智慧城市成功的关键所在。英国在该领域同时拥有大量的创新性初创企业及知名的国际品牌,这也为英国提供了发挥其优势的机会。

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Three sites in the UK will be linked up via 5G test beds for the first time thanks to £16 million investment from the Government. The funding will bring King's College London, the University of Surrey and the University of Bristol together for the development of the world’s first trials of end-to-end 5G system. We will see all three work in partnership to keep the UK at the forefront of 5G technology development. The 5G Hub will be the foundation to create and support projects in multiple areas, such as connected cars and autonomous driving, health and many others


The University of Surrey’s £80 million 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) will lead the Government funded 5G Test Network project and develop 5G radio technologies and a fully virtualised mobile core network at 3.5GHz and 700 MHz frequency bands for enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC). The 5GIC at the University of Surrey is now the largest UK academic research centre dedicated to the development of the next generation of mobile and wireless communications. Drawing on Surrey’s internationally leading work and knowledge in mobile communications, Internet of Things (IoT), satellite communications and broadcasting, connected cars and Future Internet. 

King’s College London is driving the vision for ultra-low latency 5G tactile internet developments with Internet of Skills applications. Through the King’s College London 5G Tactile Internet Lab, the university is also pioneering several important 5G co-design approaches with various industries, including smart cities, smart transport, performing arts and health. 

As the third of three UK sites set to be linked in the Government funded 5G Test Network project, Bristol University will deploy 5G capability in the extensive Smart City and Smart Campus test beds in the city, targeting full 5G and fibre infrastructure convergence. Bristol will also contribute to the key Software Defined Network technologies for end-to-end 5G service delivery. Public demonstrators will be the focus of delivery, targeting media, gaming and transport applications. 

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  • 金融科技、医疗科技、教育、无人驾驶汽车、网络安全等领域的全新科技突破。
  • 英格兰、北爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士的科技企业繁荣的营商环境。
  • 英国和亚洲科技领域的相关合作案例。
  • 英国在处理诸如可持续发展、气候变化、人口老龄化等全球挑战的经验。
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