Events > International Trade Summer School 2019


How should I select students?

Colleges/sixth forms will be asked to select 5 students to form a team that will represent their education establishment. We are looking for ambitious students who are engaged and want to participate, they don't have to have studied business before- what's important is that they will benefit and enjoy being part of this exciting opportunity.

What safeguarding and risk assessment processes will be in place?

When college/sixth form selection has occurred, onboarding and logistical guidance will be provided to all teachers- this will include parental permission forms, request for any reasonable adjustments, dietary requirements etc. All venues will have a risk assessments in place, and a copy of our safeguarding procedure for the day.  We also stipulate that a teacher must accompany students.

Will teachers be attending the event with students?

Yes, teacher attendance is mandatory at the regional event and prize day. Teachers are responsible for their student’s safety and safeguarding whilst on the programme. We will conduct thorough risk assessments and have our own safeguarding policy in place.

If we are unable to attend the prize day- can we still come to the Summer School day in our area?

Yes, please do apply- we are aware that the Summer Term quickly fills with events and ends earlier in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Students will benefit from the programme, therefore even if you are unable to attend the prize-day it is a great opportunity to be involved in.

Why have these regions been selected for the Summer School?

The National Trade Academy Programme holds numerous events across the whole UK on a rolling basis. The 2019 Summer School marks the first time the National Trade Academy has held an event in the South West of England and will mark the Academy Programme having visited all the Regions and Devolved Nations at least once. We have an exciting plan of upcoming events in other locations later in the year.

Can I still apply even though I am not based in any of the regions?

Yes- however we reccomend around an hours travel time to the event. We may be unable to reimburse travel or accomodation for those travelling from outside of the respective regions.

For any further questions or guidance, please contact:


The National Trade Academy Programme Team

email: tradeacademyprogramme@trade.gov.uk

phone: 0207 008 8588

Department for International Trade, King Charles Street,

London, SW1A 2AH